
Tuesday, April 14, 2015


The second lesson in this WSM workbook explains about action steps just enough to confuse the piss out of you. It tells you that action steps are there to help you on your road to recovery1, but tell you very little of what these actions steps would be. So, knowing only that action steps are there to help you, you are then asked to choose which kind of action steps you will be taking.

If you are confuzzled, then we share in this feeling.

So, you are given a type of action step and then a list of possible actions to take for that action step and are asked to decide which steps you are willing to do.

  1. When your action step is to better remember or find out more about the topic in the WSM program
    1. read written materials related to the topic
    2. re-read the workbook material on your own
    3. find out more about the topic on the internet
    4. talk to a professional person (case manager, counselor, psychiatrist, nurse, pharmacist, etc) to learn more about the topic
    5. talk to a family member or friend to get his or her opinion about the topic
    6. talk to a peer (someone who is also working on their mental health problem) about his or her experiences and opinions
    7. talk to a pastor, priest, rabbi or other spiritual counselor in your community to learn more about the topic

    I chose options 1, 3, and 6

  2. When your action step is to practice something you learned in the WSM program
    1. ask someone you trust to support you in practicing a new skill
    2. pick a time and place where you can practice your new skill without distractions
    3. write down the steps of the skill and carry the steps with you to read before you try it out

    I chose 1 and 3

  3. When your action step is to express your thoughts and feelings about the topic in the WSM program
    1. express your thoughts about the topic through creative activities such as writing a poem or an essay, drawing a picture, playing a song that relates to the topic, etc

    I chose to try this one

  4. When your action step involves getting support from others
    1. talk to one or more people you trust about your involvement in the WSM program. Invite them to learn about the program and let them know how they can be helpful

    I chose this one

  5. When your action step involves connecting with resources in your community
    1. make a phone call to set up a meeting
    2. ask someone to join you in visiting community resources, such as self-help and advocacy groups, cultural programs, educational programs, religious or spiritual groups, social clubs or other groups in your community

  6. When your action step is to practice leadership
    1. during the wsm group, you may be offered an opportunity to lead or co-lead a lesson of interest. You would meet with the WSM group leader and work out a plan to lead one or more of the lessons in the WSM program

No, I didn't choose one from each category, especially since I am doing this solo, without a group of any sort. (I don't play well with others.)

Discussion point: If you are following along with me, what steps are you most interested in trying? Why?

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