
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Q&A Saturday 5-9-15

Its Q&A Saturday! I love this day because I get to answer questions from you, my readers. The idea is simple, ask me questions either in the comments, on my Facebook page, or on my personal Facebook page and I’ll answer them here each Saturday. Until I build a good long list up, I’ll be answering one question a week. So, without further ado, here is the historic first question:

Wendi asks, Do the doctors’ diagnoses and assumptions conflict with what you know to be going on with you?”

A pretty deep question, when the importance of a proper diagnosis is on the line. But I have to say that no, we are all in agreement on what my problems are, except for one item.

I have a family history of Autism Spectrum in my family, it seems. My sister is HFA, her daughter just recently became verbal on the spectrum. My own daughter has HFA and I honestly would not be surprised if I were to have my son diagnosed with Asperger’s. So with all the evidence, you’d think the doctor would jump to see if I had it too.

Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory has been assumed by some fans to have Asperger’s. (The character, not the actor, and I honestly don’t know how true it is.) I state this simply because I’ve had many friends compare me to him. So do I have HFA or Asperger’s? I don’t know because my therapist doesn’t want to diagnose it. She says it would make little difference right now simply because my biggest problem is my bipolar and PTSD. Honestly, I’m not even sure I want to be diagnosed today. Maybe a year from now, simply to help statistics, but not today.

As for the bipolar, PTSD, and social anxiety diagnoses, we’re in agreement. I seem to be a “professional victim” as one doctor had stated many years ago. I simply don’t know how to defend myself. My children, family, and friends, yes. Myself, no. The asthma, degenerative disc disease, and narcolepsy are spot on. So even that doctor has all my bases covered. With the new family history added, she’s now checking my blood sugar to see if my hypoglycemia has gotten better or worse. Time will tell there.

As you can see, I’m an open book here. Have a question to ask? Comment below and maybe I’ll answer your question next week! Until then, Love and Light to you all.


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